Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My blog sight wouldn't let me publish the picture so will see if this will fly. The point is as we go about being an "angel" to someone else how to prevent the feeling of "martyrdom". Again the gift of unconditional love, what the other person does with the gift is their choice. We should be unattached to the out come not our feeling for the other person. That can be difficult if we don't know and understand "who we are".

"The Hanged Man card suggests that my alter ego today is the People Pleaser, whose superpower is the 'bubble of denial.' I need to exercise my prerogative, to humor the ridiculous, go out on a limb or remain the pious hold out and risk persecution. So be it. I can't validate the guilty pleasure, hang-up or self-indulgence, but I can rationalize being a willing slave to its pressure or condescend to acquiesce to avoid real suffering, even garner sympathy for my righteous sacrifice or implied martyrdom. Thus I can step it up or hang out, submit to the charade, or sacrifice to what end? But it's the inevitably lame justification that prompts posturing, or playing victim, dumb or innocent. Today I can take it, fake it, quit kidding myself, or put an end to tempting resistance and just grin and bear it. Or, call the bluff -- give them a rope and they'll hang themselves soon enough."
I get these postings everyday during the week. Used to put them on face book. This one was particularly powerful today. We are all an angel to someone whether family or friend. If we just remember the best gift we can give is unconditional love we can help that person and we don't necessarily have to feel the "hurt and rejection".

"One of the most stringent conditions all angels must meet, other than double-advanced harp playing and skydiving abilities (not necessarily at the same time), is that they must not allow themselves to feel hurt or rejected by the choices made by others, no matter how much they've done for them nor how great their love.

Yeah, WOW.
    The Universe

Angels are people too."

What I found interesting I also get a "free tarot card" every morning also. Have to post it separately because the blog wouldn't let me put them both on together. But there is some synchronicity in what they both say.;-)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day. The reason for posting this photo is that it brought back memories. Isn't that what memorial day is for. I have a lot of them. This was at Branden's birthday, I feel Branden was saying something off the wall again. Jim has that look of "where did that come from?". We had such fun times the time goes so quickly. Then again we had 40+ years together. That is more than some can say.

I was always "trying to find myself" and Jim would get this same look on his face. He knew where he was and what he was doing. Never a doubt. So now I am moving through this life kind of on my own but not really. Jim is still looking at me in that way like "where did that come from".

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

OK 2 posts in one day. But had to tell of the bees sweetness and courage. First of all this isn't one of my bees but they look much like this and I do have dandelions like this.

Anyway when I got my bees they came in a screened box with a can of syrup water and a young queen. That's it, I took the queen's little cage out and fixed it so she could eat her way through the fondant. Then I poured out the rest of the bees into the hive box. They had to build a home from scratch. Lost a lot of them right off from the stress and they were probably older. Worker bees live only 4-6 weeks. They literally work themselves to death. They were literally throwing dead bees out of the hive on the ground 20-30 a day. Thankfully that stopped. I helped them a little with syrup water, and watched as they came into the hive with yellow pollen on their legs. Talk about busy bees. In a little less than 2 months they have built comb, started brood (baby bees go Melissa that's what I named the queen; Greek for honey bee). I see stages of larva, pupae, as well as pollen cells. And their numbers seem to be increasing. So in spite of my inexperience and them starting from scratch they are doing well. Knock wood.

To the sweet courage part. Everyday I visit sometimes twice or more a day. So they "know" me. I take them a half jar of syrup water so it is fresh. Have yet to be stung. ;-) But if I happen to be wearing dark clothing they can see me as a threat. They will buzz at me even "bump" me. I back up and they go about their business. We have an understanding, anything I do I do without threat and they let me live. HA! I love those little bees. Like from "Ule's Gold", "I take care of the bees and they will take care of me".

Okay, now the withdrawal begins. Disconnected from facebook last night and have already gone to put something on there a few times. It is amazing how we become caught up in all that. For some it is greater than others. I think I become emotionally addicted to it. In my classes we are always looking at our wall paper masks and how we don't always see that they are at work. For me facebook was just that, I wanted to impress, get "strokes" and when I didn't it make me more masky.

So cold turkey, put all here on the blog. Send it out into cyber-space and see what happens.

Now must go and see to the bees and the land.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spider Woman she wove the World into being. We were all creators, some of us are waking to that fact more quickly than others. So in that energy of creation I focus on creating here on this land a sanctuary of sorts, for the Big Oaks, the bees and other creatures. Continue to learn how to heal the rivers.

As much as I enjoyed the pictures and some of the connections, I am taking a break from facebook. May or not be back. It was not promoting much spiritual well being. I had even recommended my blog to facebook friends. So I guess the extra work to go to the blog was not worth their curiosity.

All will be well and as it should be.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Super Moon. Not nearly as compelling as some pictures you see. But using my phone camera from the front yard it tells a different story, than just a big beautiful moon. It is as if it is a "pin hole" sight to the Universe. Focusing us on the moment to moment.

I thought I had something wrong with the bees, because I had looked at the pictures in the book and then had just "looked" at the hive frames. I didn't focus didn't take time to process what I was seeing. My mind went immediately to the worse case scenario. Started e-mailing all the bee people. Thank goodness they had cooler heads. One even came out and looked with me and we found all was well. Even saw the queen, so there you go.

In our class we have a series of "no no's". One of them is no jumping to conclusions, which I had immediately done. So I still have some work to do on myself. Realizing that until we heal ourselves we are no help to others.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I am if nothing else inconsistent. Unlike the daisy that for the last 4-5 years has survived the heat, drought, cold and my "inconsistent care". It comes back to be brilliant, for most of the summer. Blogging has given me an outlet, but at the same time has not been the total answer to "what ails me".

The barn that I bought over a year ago is finally sort of finished. Now I can begin to use it for what it was intended. Have already used it for a workshop to finish a honey super for the hive. Have been mowing and fixing and now need to weed the garden. Don't know if my back is going to let me. I have beans with blooms and tomatoes plants as tall as trees almost. Mother Earth is providing but getting ahead of my physical capacity to help. But also know I am on the right path, just have to work and be patient. That and not let my "list" get too long. So forgive the hit and miss blog.