I had set on the back porch. I watched a hummingbird working the verbena.
I wrote this before I saw where Obama had signed the Monsanto protect act.
The Wind speaks to the trees.
It dances through the Chimes.
The Bees tell the stories.
We Believe in all beings.
We Believe in Jesus, and all the Ancient Prophets and Ancestors.
We Love the imperfections.
We have come to embrace all the mistakes made, because there are no true mistakes only lessons.
The only truth is Love.
In that Truth is a resting place.
The Sage keeps away the negative.
The Cedar brings in the positive.
The Rose holds the Love.
The Flame, the Sun burns away the refuse of Our dark thoughts.
The Smudge smoke carries Our Prayers.
It is Our choices that brings the change.
The World grinds on exceedingly small.