Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Word Carriers

Word Carriers

There are Word Carriers.
They carry the words from when time was new.
They are sacred songs of the Makers.
Passed from heart to heart.
They were not to be written or recorded.
But carried in the Soul.
When worthiness is seen in the Carriers of the Words;
It will come from deep inside, to lift us up past the common.
The Words come from the Earth, and the Cosmos beyond,
To be given as a Gift.
Beautiful Words come to lift the Spirit to the Stars.
Lift up, not to be written, not even to be spoken.
The Word Carriers will tell without speaking.
They will make it known.
You will know by feeling.
Dream On!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

SHE has a new heart,
With a double oaken door.
A door that can open and
Close to protect what I let in.
On this door is carved the Spirit,
Of this and other Worlds.
Around HER, there has a Silver Key.
A Key to open the door wide,
To let love in and out.
This is the message SHE sends me...a message to share with you.
"Love wide open, be fierce and generous with yourself.
Fear not the mistakes.
It is better to do this than to never try".

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Path of a Spirit Warrior may not always be easy.
But, they always move ahead.
Moving at the speed of knowing.
Feeling that which is real.
Sharing that which moves the heart of another.
The smallest thing can touch a Soul that once was sleeping, but now can come alive.
Remember...Love ON!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

On this road I travel, let me dance the day.
Dancing the sunlight into twilight.
The dance continues until the dawning.
It is there when evening comes.
In daylight to nightfall, dancing in the shadows,
Through the meadows and woodlands.
Oh, the brightness shining the mystery of the dark.
Upon the road the moonlight shines.
Between the worlds of light and dark I travel, I dance.

Friday, April 19, 2013

I write this to all those I love and who love me.
I sit here in this place, as it become green and blossoms.
Wondering, what I can do, dream, create that which will make me whole.
I so want to be open to the possibilities that are here for us all.
I would hope that you can see your possibility.
There is more good in the world than bad.
Forgive yourself, as I try to forgive myself.
We are all part of Creation and have the potential to create even greater things, joy, love.
Throw that love and forgiveness that you find back out into the world.
There has always been troubled times-even in our times of "peace"; there have been others that have not know such times.
So sing your song, give your love, create a space that your Soul may soar.
Don't let the darkness steal your Joy.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Too many time I feel too deeply, feeling the loneliness of that place it brings me too.

I speak to loudly the words without the clarity of the intention I want to convey.
But, I keep writing and writing in an attempt to convey the truth that I feel can be real, with a hope that, that truth will take form in reality.

We get caught in the throws of beautiful words.
They are only as powerful as the acts they inspire.
They need not only to be written, but acted upon.
They must be written that is true.
But, they also must be read, to inspire to activate the love.
That love to be spread, to heal, to be felt, to change the inspired to act.
The acts that light the way in the darkest of places.


Feel free to add your own words.

Write On!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I had set on the back porch. I watched a hummingbird working the verbena.
I wrote this before I saw where Obama had signed the Monsanto protect act.

The Wind speaks to the trees.
It dances through the Chimes.
The Bees tell the stories.
We Believe in all beings.
We Believe in Jesus, and all the Ancient Prophets and Ancestors.
We Love the imperfections.
We have come to embrace all the mistakes made, because there are no true mistakes only lessons.
The only truth is Love.
In that Truth is a resting place.
The Sage keeps away the negative.
The Cedar brings in the positive.
The Rose holds the Love.
The Flame, the Sun burns away the refuse of Our dark thoughts.
The Smudge smoke carries Our Prayers.
It is Our choices that brings the change.
The World grinds on exceedingly small.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

There is petrified grief the size of a black walnut. It resides in the chest.
It can rob you of your joy.
Petrified grief can steal your words, that express your truth.
As you struggle to liquefy your grief, it will reach out and grab to pull that grief back in.
We all grieve and that is not a bad thing. 
We must take it out and look at it, and send it away. 
Most of the time it leaves, sometimes to be replaced by new grief.
But the petrified grief remains, not wanting to be there but remains all the same.
With hope we all can find a way to disintegrate the stone, turning it to dust.
Particles that can be washed away by tears, flushed clean leaving a shiny heart.
A honey filled heart.
A heart that is open and can receive the sweetness of life.
A heart that can give that sweetness back to life.
We all live in love and hope.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I have made many plans and decisions around the "smudge pot". I study the fire and the smoke. When just burning wood and paper a smoke really comes. But when I just use the sage the smoke is so different. It swirls and curls, a gentle design. I see the energy swirling out. There is an invitation to release so much of the pain guilt and loneliness. None of this is meant to be sad or depressing, just a realization that this is a process that we all need to go through to move on. In this place I know there is joy, life and satisfaction to be experienced. So many things to do to get there.
One thing that has helped greatly is the camera, and the sweet spirit that lives here. They remind me there is a purpose for us all. When the changing energy of the world, there is a place for all things. I am coming to realize that it is the purpose of this place to show that change.
The feminine is here as well as the masculine. The one is not to overwhelm the other. There must be balance. The linear is needed for the body to survive. But, a balance is needed for the Soul to make it too. It is sometimes hard to leave this place, because this is where I feel safe. But, it is out in the world where we can make a difference, and we should "do something scary everyday". The push is to make "everyone understand" but that doesn't come quickly. So I keep searching, listening, reading and smudging for the answers. In the end I go within to sort it all out. With hope that everyone keeps "honey in the heart".

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Good Ceremony last night, on the back porch.
I guess we should realize that what we do does not have to grandiose or flamboyant to have an impact.
These ceremonies I do are about intent and fulfilling that intent.
One thing that has come to pass is improvement with using the camera and the cooperation of those that I share this land with. 
A little story, so enjoy.
The Dharma bell is ringing, moved only by the breeze.
It calls us to pay attention to the stories that it brings.
The cedar stands as sentinel, as water slowly rises.
The fox squirrel roams and rambles, as the rain comes softly down.
He trys to find a dry place to clean and dry his fur.
Seems there is none to be found.
He seemed to say "just screw it" and headed to higher ground.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

These words that come to me, I give to you as a gift to take or discard; but with hope that you will ponder before disallowing them as nonsense.
The Wind kisses the embers and fans the flame to remove the refuse of this modern world.
The wind and fire understands the need to cleanse the Earth of that which man has wrought.
The flame to make us human.
The flame and the wind understands that man must be cleansed of this "modern" mind.
A mind that must first "see" so the Heart can be open to be filled with "honey".
That sweetness that comes to allow the grief to feed that part of us that is dead.
The sweetness of Praise that we must give to feed our Soul.
See the openness of Now that our Soul can live to feed the Sacred part of us.
This so the World can live again.
That which will bring us all to a new life, a new world, so our children can be free.
By the beauty of our thoughts to dream the world alive again.
Feed the Spirit with these gifts
Allowing them to disintegrate back to Spirit, to feed that Spirit so it can live, so we can live.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Little things I learn from the fire... I burn papers and boxes in the chimenia on my porch-haven't burned the house down yet. It also make a wonderful smudge pot. I put in a lot of cedar this morning to attract good energy. I smudge the land and beyond. The fire was just paper this morning but I have notice the fire sometimes leaves small black pieces, not completely consuming the paper. When I place a small log or two on the fire everything is burned down to a fine ash. The wood from the land burns patiently and consistently removing what man has made and too many times back on the earth as trash.

I observe people with causes asking for money, creating more paper and asking for money to "make things right". I realize I can not contribute to all and wonder if they really are "making things right"? With this February New Moon here on the land we will "patiently and consistently" move forward to do what we can to hopefully "make things right".

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Each night a fire is lit, so the Spirit may speak. The message is not always that which we want to hear but need to understand. Last night was a particularly good fire. Warm, strong and very expressive. You can see the Keeper and Guides dance. Tonight will be New Moon. The Intents are being set. Some are new and others are older but are becoming clearer. The Words are read now, but by the end of the year they are to be said "from the heart". Whew! I can be so bad at learning things. To all those I bring into the Circle, may you be well of mind and heart. We all do that small thing that we can do and hold no expectations. So in the words of my favorite "amen" ... Long Life, keep Honey in the Heart, no Evil, Thirteen Thank-Yous.

Friday, February 8, 2013

I have a new camera, been practicing on the bees. I have a couple of nice "cloud" pictures also. Bees are beautiful to me. The stories though, short are beginning to come. Also they send guidance and Goddess knows I need some.

This was a warm sunny day and they were coming for a drink of water. It looks a little grungy but they don't seem to mind. It is a chicken waterer that I put stones in so they will have something to crawl on and not drown.

One more bee story. The post man couldn't get an order I had received in the mail box. So he was bringing it back. I happened to be out at the hive and he pulled up close to the fence to give me the package. Now this is a grumpy South Georgia kind of guy. But, he was smiling saying how glad that I had bees, that he used to have them till his wife became allergic. He knew of other people who had hives in the county, some I didn't know of. But he got how important bees can be for all of us. Made my day. Gotta love the bees.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Bees tell the story. They say not to be afraid.
Work faithfully at what you love. A passion that can be share.
You don't have to save everyone, just your self.
If you are OK with being you, and move through time and space at peace..
     The rest will be OK.
The Bees are busy, cleaning, caring for the hive, bringing water, caring for their "village".
At night they rest, knowing that they have done all they could do that day to keep everything alive.
The Spirits come to dance at night, or perhaps during the day.
They trip over the candle jars, and chew the wax away.

They lend their energy to this place, the Stones are well aware.
All is well at the Wheel, It shows the way and help us to prepare.

The Stone say "lift me up" before the Equinox.
That intention is being set. Prepare and prepare.

The Owl and the Hawks both sing during the day.
Then the Sacred Silent Night.

The Bees come to visit and tell the stories,
None are still very long.

Prepare this place for what is to come???
The picture is not yet clear.

But prepare we must.
We only have a year.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Brunette sweet and barefoot
With eyes of Atitlan and star
Who already lived in it,
Always the odd
Your body of volcano and mountain
That almost heaven reaches.
Our beloved Guatemala.

The tails of quetzal
They are your hair and therefore
They fall on their full tunic
Arco iris and symbols covering her breasts
That you feed your people.
Our beloved Guatemala.

Fertile land which took as a gift
Of our mother nature
The cocoa and corn
To make the happy human.
Full of beautiful lakes and rivers
Where is born the weed
And they converse with the opal.
Our beloved Guatemala

They are peaceful and Atlantic legs
Formed by four intense and cults villages facing the world, multicolor light
The land I belong as a human
To give a message of love to the sister and brother
Our beloved Guatemala.

Marco Antonio Sagastume Gemmell

I had posted up something about "Guatemaya". I studious friend from back home corrected or I should say questioned my spelling. But the Mayans are working to get the spelling changed to Guatemaya because; Mexico makes a joke about nothing good comes from Guate-mala. This is a beautiful country with beautiful people, I left part of my heart there. Would go back again not as a "tourist" but with a desire to be part of "the village".

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Sleeping Trees surround a Land waiting to awake.
Waiting to bring the "World" back to life.
This place of honey, right here in the moment.
The Wind Spirit that comes here is ecstatic to know that It will help us to become human.
The Sun and Moon will shine the way.
The Water of Life in what ever form it takes; rain, tears, blood the moisture of Life will rise up to nourish the
The Spirits seen and un-seen wait to guide, to make the World live again.
The Words will speak the World alive again.
We all have a World that we can bring to life, to become human.
(The "brains" of the operation had to get in the photo) ;-)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I have no dreams at night, instead they come in the light of day. I sit quietly and they come on the Wind, I feel them in the warmth of the Sun, hear them in the hum of the Bees. I seen them in the faces of the Children.

She travels with me...this Warrior Woman. Part of the Mother who we all are part of. She is my Indigenous Soul. She brings the stories for me to tell. She translates for the Bees, who know all the stories back through time. She wants me to tell all the People that they too have an Indigenous Soul, a Warrior Spirit that needs to be heard.

I am to tell the stories only with the most beautiful words I can. That is all I am to do...those who hear, must feel what they mean to them.

She is ever changing, but always present.

The Two Hawks are here, marking the day. The Owl at night gives notice of the message as well.

The Circle ~~ the cycle is the same and always changing.

These are my true words.  Honey to you all.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Grandmother going to bed. I am in love with the moon. I had taken this with my little camera not realizing that I had not put the memory chip back in. Though it was safely on my camera, I didn't know where the USB connection was to allow me to download it. Remembering I had "thrown" several of "I won't need these cables" in my desk in the back bedroom, I took a chance. Spirit takes care of us if we are quiet and listen.

So I must remember to not be impatient, because there is sacredness in waiting. Don't over think things, pay attention to that first impression and find the "feeling" of it. Setting intentions already for the New Moon, with no expectations. I read and ruminate the words, but I look for the "feeling" of it. Experience it. Though I will continue to write, I realize some feelings and experiences can not be put into words, and there are many layers to that whole thing. Shine on Moon.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I did Ceremony tonight. Hadn't thought it had much effect until I was "stumbling" around out side in the dark, trying to get a picture of the moon coming up. I really need a better camera I think. This month is the Wolf Moon. This doesn't do it justice, but it looks almost like an eye of a wolf or even a dragon.

As I sat in the yard waiting for the moon to come up I was watching the effect of the moon light on the clouds.The clouds got brighter and brighter as the moon came up. Then I looked closer at the clouds and saw the shape of a hawk in full flight. Wings spread riding the ethers.

Love this picture though, it is as if it is saying "I am looking for you and your sweet indigenous soul". The guidance is fluid, so go with the flow.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's spring and then it is winter~~spring~~winter. The paper whites are gone, now the yellow daffodils are here. Haven't seen any bees on these, but a few have been after the scattered dandelions in the yard.

Ah, the bees. During the warm part of the day, they come and get water at the little pool I had got for Bucky this summer. I put rocks in it so they have something to crawl around on and not drown. Before I did that it was not a pretty site, little bees floating belly up. Not sure what I will do this summer. Probably get Bucky another pool putting it on the other side of the house so the bees don't find it.

I have started reading a story to the bees,"The Disobedient Daughter of the Sun". They seem to like it. I sit behind the hive not in their doorway. The sun is warm on my back, a quite pleasant way to spend the morning. A single bee comes from time to time to make sure I am not a "story reading bear", then it is back to work. I have a chicken water set up by the hive, with rocks in it as well. They seem to be thirsty little devils.

Last bee story for today. I sometimes leave the back door open while I get dog food or bring groceries, etc. A stray bug or two gets in. Even a bee now and then. Have not been successful in getting them out unharmed. That is until today. One was in my kitchen window, buzzing at the top. I opened the bottom part (no screens, Jim was always vague about where the went ;-)). I didn't like my chances or the bee for getting it out successfully. But, a tip become very zen, take one sheet of paper towel and fold into a tube, after several trys the bee went into the tube still buzzing around but I was able to get it to fly out the window. Whew, the lessons we learn when we are "zen". Buzz On!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dear Ones, The New Time is moving on. I hope this finds you moving along gently as well. To help us set our focus and intention I have given, to any that are interested, the years schedule of Moon Ceremony. After the January 26th ceremony (it begins at 6 PM) the remaining gatherings will begin at "two light". This moving at guidance can be very fluid at times, especially if you are new at it. ;-)

So again for those who can't come know that you are in the circle. The messages that have started to come will be shared in the blog.

Those who can be here, come only with a sweet heart and those messages you want to share with Spirit. These are such good, sweet times, reach out to others with love. And, as I have learned to say~~~
"Keep honey in your heart, no evil, thirteen thank-yous". Donna

REMINDER~~~January 26th. at 6:00PM Full Moon

Posting a years schedule of the Moon Ceremony......
February 10th. New Moon~~~25th. Full Moon
March 11th. New Moon~~~27th. Full Moon
March 20th Vernal Equinox
April 10th. New Moon~~~25th. Full Moon
May 9th. New Moon~~~25th. Full Moon
June 8th. New Moon~~~23rd. Full Moon
June 21st. Summer Solstice.
July 8th. New Moon~~~22nd. Full Moon
August 6th. New Moon~~~ 20th. Full Moon
September 5th. New Moon~~~19th. Full Moon
September 22nd. Autumnal Equinox
October 4th. New Moon~~~October 18th. Full Moon
November 3rd. New Moon~~~November 17th. Full Moon
December 2nd. New Moon~~~ December 17th. Full Moon
December 21nd Winter Solstice.
I posted this on facebook and e-mailed to as many people that might be interested. I have been guided to give up the responsibility of who comes. At some point we must take charge of our own path. I know that we all have lives, but I also realize that what I might deem important and meaningful may not be what other think. So I am letting go somewhat to those expectations. There is that word again. OOOHH it can be sooo heavy at times. I have to say to myself "be free little bird". I have no one to answer to but Spirit, and if I listen "We" cruise along pretty well. 
So Those who come to the circle are there but those who don't are there too. They are grand creatures and as the days continue in the new time they only become more grand. "Keep honey in your heart, no evil, thirteen thank-yous".

Sunday, January 20, 2013

This is Maximo or Maximon. We attended a ceremony for a short time very similar looking to this. It was at the market village that we went to on Lake Atitlan. Our guide took us on a very circuitous route through the village side streets, narrow walkways between the villagers homes. In fact this was set up in a residence. It is a great honor to have this in your home. I believe is was a concession made to the people who follow this old way. But the ceremony moves on a regular basis. I believe this figure was or possibly still is also called "Holy Boy", depending where on Lake Atitlan the ceremony is held.

The figure or mannequin in past was religious statues that had been dressed in this manor. In more remote areas it might be a collection of "sacred sticks". But the general purpose for the ceremony is for intercession for the people or particular persons. Maximo is regularly, during the ceremony give tobacco and alcohol. There are Shamans on both side of him tending to him. In front of him and the candles is an intercessor continually chanting for those brought for healing.

That day we were there, one particular prayer was being done for some one's brother. Though not being able to understand a word, the power and strength of the intercession could be felt. They let us see this so that there would be money given that they might continue to help the people. I also got the feeling the we were intruding on a very ancient and sacred ceremony. Having read later of the depth of layers of the Mayan belief, I know that to be true. In time ago only very highly initiated members of the village would present for some of these ceremonies and much "liturgy" would be used to "feed the Gods" so the people might live.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I love this tree and it loves me. It is a live oak and does not have a deep root system. I worry about it when it is so dry and then rains a lot. In the past when that happened other trees that were weakened by the drought, and then the ground is extremely wet the slightest wind will blow them over. But this tree perseveres. But I pray for and to it, and it prays for me. It has a wisdom that I have only begun to understand. It waits for us to remember and understand who we are. There is a sacredness in the waiting.

Sometime when I wonder where my guidance comes from, because I can get many different messages. But I know when it comes from this tree. It is a steady feeling of presence, an abiding peaceful kind of message. Saying if we can not find joy in this present place and time, it won't be found out there wondering in the world.

Friday, January 18, 2013

My Grandson gave me a gift of a charm necklace for Christmas. It is small but very interesting. It was re-created from an antique French wax seal. (Napoleon was apparently very connected to honey bees. It is said he had them embroidered in gold on his royal robes.) This is a poor rendition of the charm. There is an inscription in French, "Nul n'en penetre le secret" ~ "No one penetrates my secrets"~my heart is well guarded~my secrets are kept within~what's inside is safeguarded from harm.

It is written that bees are symbolic of industry, social order and wealth. Early beliefs claimed that bees were heaven sent, because of their ability to find their way home over great distances the bee came to represent the Soul.

I don't think we should necessarily keep the secrets of the heart, there maybe someone who is waiting just for that message that comes from you heart. But if "we keep honey in the heart", the sweetness of our life present, all things are protected from harm. If we find our true humanness, we need to share it with those who have forgotten who they are. Thirteen Thank-yous

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Some years back I was reading about a spiritual path that you "prayed without ceasing". I wondered how could that be accomplished. I have since come to realize it is possible with much focus and commitment. Since having been given the intention to observe the New Moon and Full Moon, this may be such an action. I haven't got there yet, but coming to realize that the ceremony is over in a short time compared to the preparation. Paying attention to the guidance of preparing is a form of prayer and meditation. Finding the words, dreaming the dreams, hearing the sounds that cannot be put into words. Again, not there yet. But feel closer and closer to that place.

I have been offered a gift of a floor loom. I am grateful for this generous offer. Spirit had told my friend to offer it to me. But, Spirit (not sure if one and the same ;-)) asked me where are you going to put it. I have been told to clear out simplify and now I want to put more stuff in? Again preparation, not shooting from the hip. We have so many sacred moments in life and some come in time of preparation.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The burdens we carry, the baggage, the stuff, even memories can weigh heavy. He carries his because he has too, other wise he and his family probably won't eat. We were told that he and others like him that were working on the mountain that day, may make the same trip with a similar load 7 or 8 times a day. These bundles can weigh upwards to a 100 pounds. Not sure you can tell but this is a steep rocky trail and to pass one of the trekkers have to "hug" the side of the mountain. We would step aside and say "excuse me" and they would smile nod and keep on their way.

Not sure what else to say except I know his burden is a lot lighter and easier to put down, than the ones some of us carry around. Even when we think we have let go of something, some memory, some idea we realize isn't valid; they have a way of "jumping back on" and here we go again. So be strong, recognize when things are getting a little heavy, do your best to let it go. The path is steep and rocky but the goal is worth it. Trek On!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tell the story to the bees. That is what I was told to do. Until I get my own "words" or until my story comes I am guided to read the bees this story. Prechtel has wonderful "words", they aren't necessarily "his" but of a special People who knew how to live in the world. They still are trying to do it in the old way even after all that has been done to them and their world. The arrogance of the rest of us to believe we know what is best and to impose that on others.

The bees were busy this morning all ready. To give them a snack I am going to have to use the smoker and gloves. They are "fired up" by the warm weather and sunshine. I have made them a water hole in Bucky's pool. They are thirsty little things. Though they literally work themselves to death, they have a happy essence that makes you smile. They even send an emissary from time to time to check on me as I sit on the porch. It is the craziest thing. Love the Bees.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The fire burned brightly even after the wood had turned to ash. Learning to read the fire and smoke. It tells of forgiveness and understanding. More than patience it speaks of quiet continuance. There is a yearning for companionship but much to be learned in this aloneness. The quiet courage come in the night. All is held in silence. So learn the prayers, learn the ritual, learn the stories, heal the self and all that follows is as it should be.

To all I hold in my circle I send love and gentleness to what ever pain you may be feeling, what ever worry that is on your mind, and sending calm to what ever storm maybe swirling around you. This is the ending prayer of the ceremony.

We are asked by Spirit to stop war.
Instead of creating was to destroy Humanity...
Create ways to save the Earth.
With this prayer...
Oh Heart of the Heavens.
Oh Heart of the Earth.
Oh Heart of the Water, Heart of the Fire.
Oh Four Winds that We breathe.
Heart of Our Life.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

This a picture of a fox squirrel. It is representative of the ones that live here on the land with me. If I had a better camera I know I could have gotten a better picture than this. The ones that live here are as big as a small cat. They love pecans, maybe that is why they are so big. They are mostly grey with beautiful, big black heads. Their tails are as long as their bodies. I read the scientific name but that matters little. I watch them and "feel" their essence, their signature. They are very crafty and "foxy" and make the dogs look totally incompetent as hunters.

Today as I sat on the back porch I noticed one coming out across the back, headed to a pecan tree, the two big dogs and Owen were being "porch potatoes" and Bucky was out somewhere. I thought to myself that "Foxy" was taking a chance, scrounging and picking up pecans. Bucky appeared at the edge of the woods sniffing. The squirrel kept about his business. All of a sudden Parker noticed him and his arthritic gait took off after it. It ran up the tree, flipping it's long tail and Parker was having a fit. So Luna comes over as well as Owen, then Bucky joined the rest. Parker barked, Luna tried to climb the tree, Bucky ran laps around, Owen got bored with the whole thing, peed on the tree and left. Parker and Luna likewise bored joined Owen on the porch. Meanwhile Buckshot had made a wide out and around run and the squirrel got down and made for the trees. Bucky is fast but was no match for the squirrel. I love the fox squirrel there is nothing "squirrely" about them at all.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Even in winter nature is alive, through the frost and cold temps. These little daffodils keep their blooms. If you look close at the blooms on the left you see a dark speck. It is a bee, maybe one from the hive not sure. But it was enjoying the nectar of the flower. A reminder of the fact that we should all look for the small joys that come to us. Joys to counter the grief that we cling to. I had read that grief is praise for what is lost. So grieve/praise greatly to make a "canoe of tears" for that which is gone to make it's way to the stars.

The Hawk came today. Flying West to East giving out a very strident call. Seemed to say "things are good, get on with it". Oh the human needs to become more of a human in nature. Live On.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Burn away the fog, see the flame and smoke. Reduce old history to ashes. Get rid of the baggage that holds you down. I put in the paper and wood and warm by the fire. But there is more to it than that simple physical act. I watch the flame to get the message, I watch the smoke rise. Then something, magical almost, happens. I hear the birds, they sing louder, the Wind Spirit plays with the chimes. I close my eyes and just am. Not always do I get the answers I was looking for but I do get the energy to keep going and take another step on the journey.

Had about given up on getting this blog site fixed. But kept taking another step, not sure what the problem was but seems resolved for now. Persevere, come in the back door, don't always have to try to break down the front door. I had forgot about that part of the blessing of "keep honey in your heart". Love On.

Monday, January 7, 2013

In somewhat of a dilemma. I am unable to upload pictures from my windows photo album. Have tried to get help from the blog site to no avail. Not sure I even sent it to the appropriate place. That being said have considered going to a different blog???? Don't know yet.

Getting off of face book again. It was taking a lot of my time, only because I let it. Have been jumping from one project to another. Bills and notices from the outside world, old physical and emotional pain intruding on my Guatemala High. The only constant seems to be the Wheel and it's Ceremony.

Sooo we will see. Have let everyone know if I have any pictures on face book they want, get them before Sunday the 13th. Ah 13 again that seems somehow appropriate.

I had found the blessing of "Thirteen Thank-yous". I paraphrase the explanation. There are 12 areas or things that we can show gratitude for but the 13th. is un-seen, beyond our knowing almost. But it is that, that we should be most grateful for.

So blessing from the "honey heart" for a "long life, no evil and thirteen thank-yous".

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I want to tell Medicine Stories. When I went to this one place I found on the Internet to get some guidance on the best way to proceed.  Here is the reply I received.

Dear Donna - Thanks for being in touch with us. If you are a keeper of bees

(blessings upon you!), you have only to listen, as they are tellers of medicine
stories for all who would hear. And, almost all traditional stories are medicine
stories. Medicine for the beings whose lives they tell of. Seek them out and
learn them by telling them over and over and over again to the bees. They no
doubt will tell you when you are a true teller of medicine stories. And surely
they must give you hope! all blessings, as the new year of the Gregorian
calendar approaches on tender feet - Marianne Lust, assistant to Hanna Prechtel
and Flowering Mountain

So another affirmation for following your guidance. The bees came first, so now the stories can come too.
Happy New Year to All.!