Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I have no dreams at night, instead they come in the light of day. I sit quietly and they come on the Wind, I feel them in the warmth of the Sun, hear them in the hum of the Bees. I seen them in the faces of the Children.

She travels with me...this Warrior Woman. Part of the Mother who we all are part of. She is my Indigenous Soul. She brings the stories for me to tell. She translates for the Bees, who know all the stories back through time. She wants me to tell all the People that they too have an Indigenous Soul, a Warrior Spirit that needs to be heard.

I am to tell the stories only with the most beautiful words I can. That is all I am to do...those who hear, must feel what they mean to them.

She is ever changing, but always present.

The Two Hawks are here, marking the day. The Owl at night gives notice of the message as well.

The Circle ~~ the cycle is the same and always changing.

These are my true words.  Honey to you all.


  1. I keep meaning to ask (which you can not answer if this is something private or personal), what does the four feet on the woman represent? The four directions?

  2. Yes, but more than that it is the foundation or four pillars that the directions represent. I was thinking I had put them in the blog somewhere. But who knows my mind runs in those 4 directions sometimes all at the same time.
