Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I have dandelions just like this in my yard. Have yet to see one of the honey bees on them. Today I hope most of them stayed in where it is dry. I voiced my concern to some of the other beekeepers in the group about finding so many dead be on the ground around the hive. But they said we didn't know how many of our bees were older (worker bees only live a few weeks). The hope is that they are creating more workers to take their place. I have become so wrapped up in the process of beekeeping that perhaps I have lost site of the fact the bees know what they are doing. Anyway I found this poem in on of the books. They know better the we.

Home at fall of eve the bees come winging; happy is their flight and happier their singing.
As the night draws closer and the light grows faint, darker still their air-lines 'cross the skies they paint.
Peace is all about them; a calm and healing peace fills the mind and brings the soul release.
Nothing now can trouble, nothing can distress, here, where bees are humming songs of happiness.
                                                                                             Josephine Morse

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think you're right about the bees - they've been carrying on their tradition for quite some time. :)
    Lovely poem!
