Thursday, June 21, 2012

Artemis, the archaic mistress of animals, probably dates back to Paleolithic times. What I find interesting about her, she is fiercely individualistic and independent. Though she is fierce in her demeanor she is a soothing healer, protector of births, alleviating the suffering of women in childbirth. She is a symbol of female independence. Also she reminds us of the value of solitude and the importance of wild, unprotected places. Another lesson she brings is that those frightening places that bring healing even through fear. There is a difference between loneliness and solitude.

The world energy is moving more toward the feminine, and not the necessarily the "feminists" that have positions of power. The energy I believe is more the feminine energy of Artemis, the energy that perseveres through the pain of childbirth, the energy that nurtures and heals the Earth, the energy the stands up and supports all people all living creatures everywhere; not just those causes that are popular or news worthy.  I can feeeell the energy changing can you?!


  1. I think sometimes the people who think they are feminists are actually women who have taken on the masculine cloak to "get ahead" in this world. The true feminine characteristics are neither submissive nor aggressive, but a balance somewhere in between (which is what the world needs!).
