Monday, June 4, 2012

Weary weary today, so let's go to the river. This is the Flint at Sprewell Bluff. We cast crystals there to renew and heal. The hope is to do this in several rivers this summer. Too many projects? Learning new things, finishing old things. This morning all I want to do is sit. We got a lot of recycling done, now I can walk through the laundry room without stumbling over glass and plastic cans and bottles. Got the bees situated, the bottom board is now correct. Got the grass all mowed only to need it again soon.

So the point of today's thoughts not sure. Don't get so busy that we fail to see the beauty of our lives? Busy work so that we don't look at what is really going on with us? As I walk to the barn in the morning I will some times sing this healing song I found. But this morning I was thinking of Jim and the song that came was...."You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when sky's are grey. You'll never know Dear how much I love You. Please don't take my sunshine away". So maybe I am just to "sit" and fill the hole and renew and heal. Good Monday!

1 comment:

  1. It seems we are in the same space and on the same wavelength. A quote from my blog today:
    Practice not doing, and everything will fall into place. ~ Lao Tzu
