Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Butterfly Chronicles

Sunday I witnessed another miracle from Creator. My fennel plant had been playing host to several species of butterflies and moths. It has again been eaten down to twigs. I had been watching closely the progress of 5 swallowtail butterfly chrysallis. Sunday morning when I went to check, 4 had already emerged from their chrysallis 1 had flown away. The other 3 were flexing their wings and making ready to leave. The last one was soon to emerge, you could see the colors of the wings through the chrysallis. When it did come out and clung to the twig, its wings were folded and small against it's body. It took several hours for the wings to stretch and strengthen. As I watched I felt the energy of the butterfly. It was amazingly courageous, and patient. There was a very strong feeling of gentle power. I would hope we could all move through our own lives with gentle patient courage. Butterfly are strong energy. Sing your Song, Prairie Woman