Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I had set on the back porch. I watched a hummingbird working the verbena.
I wrote this before I saw where Obama had signed the Monsanto protect act.

The Wind speaks to the trees.
It dances through the Chimes.
The Bees tell the stories.
We Believe in all beings.
We Believe in Jesus, and all the Ancient Prophets and Ancestors.
We Love the imperfections.
We have come to embrace all the mistakes made, because there are no true mistakes only lessons.
The only truth is Love.
In that Truth is a resting place.
The Sage keeps away the negative.
The Cedar brings in the positive.
The Rose holds the Love.
The Flame, the Sun burns away the refuse of Our dark thoughts.
The Smudge smoke carries Our Prayers.
It is Our choices that brings the change.
The World grinds on exceedingly small.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

There is petrified grief the size of a black walnut. It resides in the chest.
It can rob you of your joy.
Petrified grief can steal your words, that express your truth.
As you struggle to liquefy your grief, it will reach out and grab to pull that grief back in.
We all grieve and that is not a bad thing. 
We must take it out and look at it, and send it away. 
Most of the time it leaves, sometimes to be replaced by new grief.
But the petrified grief remains, not wanting to be there but remains all the same.
With hope we all can find a way to disintegrate the stone, turning it to dust.
Particles that can be washed away by tears, flushed clean leaving a shiny heart.
A honey filled heart.
A heart that is open and can receive the sweetness of life.
A heart that can give that sweetness back to life.
We all live in love and hope.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I have made many plans and decisions around the "smudge pot". I study the fire and the smoke. When just burning wood and paper a smoke really comes. But when I just use the sage the smoke is so different. It swirls and curls, a gentle design. I see the energy swirling out. There is an invitation to release so much of the pain guilt and loneliness. None of this is meant to be sad or depressing, just a realization that this is a process that we all need to go through to move on. In this place I know there is joy, life and satisfaction to be experienced. So many things to do to get there.
One thing that has helped greatly is the camera, and the sweet spirit that lives here. They remind me there is a purpose for us all. When the changing energy of the world, there is a place for all things. I am coming to realize that it is the purpose of this place to show that change.
The feminine is here as well as the masculine. The one is not to overwhelm the other. There must be balance. The linear is needed for the body to survive. But, a balance is needed for the Soul to make it too. It is sometimes hard to leave this place, because this is where I feel safe. But, it is out in the world where we can make a difference, and we should "do something scary everyday". The push is to make "everyone understand" but that doesn't come quickly. So I keep searching, listening, reading and smudging for the answers. In the end I go within to sort it all out. With hope that everyone keeps "honey in the heart".