Monday, February 20, 2012

I seem stuck on the trees at sunrise and sunset. What happens between those two events become sort of an after thought. This morning way before sunrise, Luna literally came crashing into my room. Usually I hear panting first and I get up and let her out. But like I said crashing in waking me out of a sound sleep, which I don't get too much of lately. I turn on the light and she is on the floor in what I would say was a full seizure. What seemed like forever and she was out of it. She wanted out, but I knew we were head for the vet as soon as they opened. So here is what happened between sunrise and now what you are looking at sunset. Blood work showed high thyroid levels, probable pancreatitis and maybe all this contributed to her apparent seizure. She has had them before I believe. So she is at the vet for three days of IV therapy. She didn't want to leave me as they took her away. Her time between sunrise and sunset will be lonely, boring and a mystery to her. And my sunrise and sunsets will mark time of wondering if I could have done anything different. To slow to take her when I thought there might be something going on. Too busy with my human stuff to realize she was worried about herself while she was worried about me. Luna has always been a hard one to figure, prone to hardness, and unusual ways. My Luna the ancient throw back to the Mound times.  And now, apparently stress bringing on seizures and pancreatitis. So it is nice to contemplate the meaning of sunrises and sunsets, we also should apply ourselves a little more to that time in between.


  1. I find myself doing one thing while thinking ahead to the next task. Very hard for me to stay present in the moment, unless I make a conscious effort to do so. Hugs to you and Luna.

  2. As I read, thought / felt back to our having to make a decision with the Sweetheart. From first visit to Vet's to last and, after, just came to mind. Not brain, mind.
    Decisions were hard.
    Acceptance was harder.
    Freeing Her from the blindness and dis-ease was reality and necessary.
