Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rain blessed rain. May have to go buy a thousand or two tiny umbrellas for the bees. Clearing later this morning I think.

Had dinner with my neighbors the other night. One of the dinner guests who is truly remarkable, keeps bees also. We had a very informative conversation. When I asked him where he bought his bees, he said "oh I don't buy bees, I just collect them from trees and buildings and such". He has six hives and is definitely not "up tight" about their care. I want to be like him. He has offered to let me come see his operation. I feel he has more of the information I need.

We are always having teachers appear when we need them. We just need to pay attention. Like I have said before, we shouldn't get ahead of our guidance. Which I tend to do sometimes.


  1. If I weren't afraid of my family having me committed, I would have been dancing in the rain! With all the construction and dry weather, it's been like living in the dust bowl. And the pond had dried up to the size of a large mud puddle. But today - a miracle! The pond was full and the Canada geese had a brood of four, fluffy goslings out for a morning walk! :)
    Sounds like you found a good bee person to talk with!

  2. Yep, think I will see if I can't go to his house one day. Glad the geese have swimming room now.
