Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I am if nothing else inconsistent. Unlike the daisy that for the last 4-5 years has survived the heat, drought, cold and my "inconsistent care". It comes back to be brilliant, for most of the summer. Blogging has given me an outlet, but at the same time has not been the total answer to "what ails me".

The barn that I bought over a year ago is finally sort of finished. Now I can begin to use it for what it was intended. Have already used it for a workshop to finish a honey super for the hive. Have been mowing and fixing and now need to weed the garden. Don't know if my back is going to let me. I have beans with blooms and tomatoes plants as tall as trees almost. Mother Earth is providing but getting ahead of my physical capacity to help. But also know I am on the right path, just have to work and be patient. That and not let my "list" get too long. So forgive the hit and miss blog.


  1. Is the super like a second story for the hive? Those bees have been busy if so!
    If you ever need a listening ear, let me know my friend... (or for that matter, and extra pair of hands).

  2. I went today to see my neighbors hives. It was so cool. He even took of 5 frames of honey and there was a lot more he need to get. He has 6 hives. It sure was good. That is my goal 6-8 hives. Yes a super is a small box with 10 or 8 empty frames. On of the club members said to go ahead and put it on even though the bottom was completely done. We will see. They are finding nectar and pollen somewhere. The nectar makes the honey and the pollen feeds the babies. So the queen is working and all is well with the world. ;-)
